Halloween is just around the corner and it can be difficult and time consuming to decorate a lovely home into a spooky-friendly one. Sure, purchase everything from your nearest party supply shop or dollar store and call it done. Not only will it be costly but it will lack originality. You want to impress your guest, let them see your personality through the decorations and an added bonus, without you having to break the bank!
Here are a few Halloween home decor treats that will sure trick your guests into thinking you spent a lot of time and money. I promise you, it will take ~2 hours and cost under $20 and can be used around the home, as a centerpiece, and even outside the porch.
Most of the items shown are from Target. However, they can be found at any store or make them yourself using household supplies. Let’s get started!
- Instead of carving an actual pumpkin, take a bucket (any bucket, if you have one from those summer beach days, reuse them!) or a ball or even a box, construction paper (or masking/duct tape) and cut out your own shapes and design and tape them onto the bucket. Not only will it not be messy but they can be reused.
- Add candy treats OR take tissue paper (in red, orange, brown, black) and stuffed them into the pumpkin pail/makeshift pumpkin buckets.
- Pick up a few craft pumpkins from Target ($5) or any art supply store and decorate your pumpkins. Feel free to use a pumpkin gemstones decorating kit, stickers and markers, glue beads and strings or even cover the pumpkin in glitter.
- Use Halloween-themed dinner plates and tape them onto the walls.
- If you are thinking of using the dinner plates as plates, grab a hold of construction paper (orange, black, brown), cut out different shapes (circles, triangles, squares) and tape them onto the walls. For a more scarier approach, why not add some googly eyes or fake nails. If you want a quicker alternative, crinkle tissue paper. You can also keep these up after Halloween for a Fall-themed (or Thanksgiving) home (just remember to remove the unnecessary)!
With these easy crafts, you will be the Martha Stewart for the day and the talk of the week! And don’t forget to Tweet, Instagram, or Facebook me your Halloween home decor, I would love to see them!
Happy Halloween!