I have seen many macaron recipes floating around over the years and heard they are difficult to make and takes lots of skills to perfect it. I like a challenge, so I gave it a go! My first try at macarons were a disaster. I did not know what I was doing, I was left with a ton of mess, the cookies were cracked, they looked more like crunchy whoopie pies than delicate dessert. Still tasted somewhat good, nonetheless.
Browsed through more recipes, it was time for round two. This time they actually looked like mini burger macarons, the perfectionist in me was not satisfied.
Third times a charm! I either have foodies family and friends who know what’s up or they are extremely polite as I have been told they are “delicious”, “perfect”, and “taste better than those in the shop” (*blushes*). I can’t take all the credit; I gathered several recipes from different sources and made some tweaks that work in my favour, as I hope this recipe will do for you!
Don’t fret, macarons are not difficult to make. Not exaggerating but I can make macarons from scratch better than baking pre-packaged cookie dough (seriously, ask my housemates!). Anyways, let’s get started!
What You’ll Need:

- 2 bowls
- Sifter
- Spatula or any regular spoon
- 2 cookie sheets, lined with parchment paper (or silicone mat)
- Electric handheld mixer (or stand mixer)
- Dessert Decorator with Round tip (or piping bag + 1/4 inch round tip)
- 3/4 cups Almond Flour (Learn how to DIY Almond Flour)
- 1 cup Powdered Sugar
- 2 Large Egg Whites* (room temperature)
- 1/4 tsp Lemon Juice or Cream of Tartar
- 3 tbsp Granulated Sugar
- Optional: Food Colouring – preferably Gel Food Colouring
Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper and set aside
In Bowl 1, sift powdered sugar and almond flour. Stir to combine and set aside

In Bowl 2 (make sure the bowl is completely dry), beat egg whites and lemon juice (or cream of tartar) with an electric mixer on medium speed until soft peaks form.
Optional: Use a 1-2 drops of gel food colouring. If using liquid food colouring, add just one drop. Otherwise it will ruin the meringue cookies.

Slowly add sugar into egg white mixture and continue to beat until mixture holds a stiff peak (Unsure? Carefully turn bowl upside down and if mixture sits still, you’re good!)

Using a sieve, slowly sift (one-third at a time) powdered sugar/almond flour mix into egg whites mixture and fold together using a spatula until blended. DO NOT stir or over fold! The mixture should be able to create a figure-8 ribbon without breaking.
Fill mixture in dessert decorator or a piping bag fitted with 1/4 inch plain round tip
Pipe batter into 1-inch rounds and 1-inch apart onto cookie sheet with parchment paper
Tap cookie sheet on countertop to get rid of any air bubbles
Let it stand for 30 minutes or until dry. At this time, position your oven rack to the middle rack and preheat oven at 300F/150C

Once it’s dry to the touch, put one cookie sheet into the oven for 10-15 minutes. After 10 minutes, keep an eye on them every minute making sure they are not cracked or over baked.
Take them out from the oven and let it cool for 30 minutes before flipping the cookies over to add the fillings.

Repeat for the second cookie sheet
Fillings: Use a butter spreader, dessert decorator or piping bag, add any filling your heart desires (fruit jam, chocolate ganache, peanut butter, buttercream icing).

Macarons can be stored in an airtight container and into the refrigerator for up to 1 week.
*Don’t know what to do with 2 leftover egg yolks? Check out this perfect, simple, delicious recipe to bake right after those macarons!