Inexpensive, cruelty-free, PETA approved and currently 85% of their products are vegan?! Say no more, wet n wild is everything we love and more!
Generation Beauty 2016 Toronto Weekend Thoughts & Experience
Generation Beauty is a two day beauty event founded by Michelle Phan and her company, ipsy. This event is the place to express ones unique beauty, get energized and inspired by favourite brands, beauty gurus and fans alike. Generation Beauty had been held in Los Angeles and New York, but they decided it was time…
Generation Beauty 2016 Toronto Haul
Generation Beauty by ipsy is the biggest celebration of the next generation of beauty: YOU. On May 14 and 15, Generation Beauty came to Toronto, finally! I have heard and seen pictures of this event, which was always held in Los Angeles and New York City, and always wanted to take the trip south of…
Farewell Target Canada Haul
It’s no surprise how much I am going to miss Target in Canada. When I first heard the news they were coming in 2011 (and when they finally arrived) I was ecstatic. Forward to two years later I am devastated by their sudden departure. I LOVE Target. It was my go-to place for practically everything,…
Quo Haul!
Quo is a Shoppers Drug Mart exclusive line of colour cosmetics and cosmetic accessories. All Quo products are developed from an unwavering commitment to quality and innovation that consistently delivers a contemporary core assortment and the must have colours products for the season. Quo Great products at amazing prices. I recently stopped by Shoppers Drug…