Time to break the rules and make a (fashion) statement by wearing white after Labour Day.

September is the best time to transition your wardrobe from summer to fall. I’m not going to lie, I love my crop tops and maxi skirt combo but I’m anticipating for the day I can throw on my cape and booties. Mixing pieces from both seasons will put you at ease when Autumn arrives – saying goodbye to Summer.
I picked up a few pieces from RW&CO. earlier this summer that I knew would go perfectly for all season. Blouses, I’m a collector of blouses. This loose and light, black and white animal print blouse is perfect for the cooler Summer nights but also for those warmer Fall days and even during the Winter and Spring seasons – basically any time of the year.

Okay, can we just talk about the midi skirt? I mean, the details, seriously, that is all. I wore it all throughout Summer and it’s coming with me into Fall! I may even slip it in come Winter… somehow. Dear RW: please make more colours. Love, me.

Do you wear white after Labour Day? Would you? Let me know in the comments!
Happy September!