Jamie’s Italian has finally arrived in Toronto and over the holidays, a few of my foodie friends and I headed over to Yorkdale Shopping Centre to give Jamie’s Italian a try and to have a much-needed catch-up session (because that’s what we do best, eat and talk).
When it comes to food, my friends and I like to order a variety of dishes from the menu to communally share and get a taste of everything the restaurant has to offer. I will admit, we didn’t order a whole lot because although I consider them my foodie friends, they also happen to be a bit picky when it comes to food.
Nonetheless, out of the dishes we did order, they were all incredibly delicious and highly recommend to visit Jamie’s Italian if you’re a fan of simple, freshly made Italian-inspired dishes.
Here were some of the dishes we ordered:
Appetizers and Mains/Pizza:


This is just a small fraction of what’s on the menu – there’s a wide range of dishes that fits everyone’s palette. What do you think of the dishes? Have you visited Jamie’s Italian before?